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Šibenik Croatia



Croatia / Šibenik

About Croatia

Croatia is at the same time a Central European, Mediterranean and Balkan country, and owing to both its geographical position and to its turbulent history, it is a genuine European cultural gem. Croats came to the Adriatic Sea fourteen centuries ago. Originally a Slavic people, they founded a new homeland where they met the Illyrians, the Romans and Greek colonists. The tradition and culture of these ancient people left significant traces in the history of our country. For many centuries, Croatia was surrounded and influenced by different cultures – Italian, German, Hungarian, and was partly exposed to Oriental influences through several centuries of Turkish presence in the neighbourhood.

With nine of its cultural phenomena Croatia has become the country with the most protected non-tangible heritage in the Europe. On the other hand, seven cultural, historical and natural beauties have been included on the UNESCO list of the world monumental heritage: the Palace of Diocletian in Split, the Euphrasius Basilica in Poreč, the Plitvice Lakes, the Romanesque town of Trogir, the Old Town of Dubrovnik, the Šibenik Cathedral and the Starogradsko Polje on the island of Hvar. Three of these are within the easy reach from the prospective venue of the EPDIC17.

Croatia has seven state universities, the oldest and the largest being the University of Zagreb (founded in 1669), as well as numerous public institutes, among which the largest and most important, with its more than 500 scientists, is the Ruđer Bošković Institute, located in Zagreb. Educated people, men of letters and science in the spirit of their times first emerged in the Middle Ages in the Croatian towns along the Adriatic coast, under the influence of Venice and the Italian Renaissance. Of many towns in that age, one stands out in particular – the jewel of the Mediterranean, the city of Dubrovnik, which for many centuries was known as the Republic of Dubrovnik. The poet Marko Marulić of Split was a central figure of the period. His epic poem Judith (Judita), written in Croatian, marks the birth of the Croatian literature. Herman Dalmatin (astronomy, translation of important Arabic texts), active in Spain and France at the beginning of the twelfth century, is considered to be our first scientist. Ivan Česmički-Pannonius (a poet with interest in astronomy and astrology), Pietro Buono (a theoretical alchemist in Trogir), Gjin Gazulli-Gazulus (an astrologist, in Dubrovnik) also contributed to the sciences in the medieval period. In the seventeenth century Croatia gave several great scientists, such as Marin Getaldić (optics, in Dubrovnik), Marko Antun De Dominis (theory of the rainbow, the telescope, in Split) and Faust Vrančić (a famous constructor and engineer, in Šibenik and Padua). 



Since April 1st, 2013, the Republic of Croatia has been applying the European Union’s Common Visa Policy. All EU/EEA citizens can enter Croatia with a valid ID or passport. According to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, all aliens who are holders of valid Schengen documents, as well as national visas and residence permits of Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Romania do not require an additional (Croatian) visa for Croatia. Important official information on visa issues is given at the website of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affaires of the Republic of Croatia. For bona fide participants who need visa to enter Croatia, the Organizing Committee of the EPDIC17 will provide the necessary attestation to facilitate the application process. Any problems during the visa application process, after all documentation has been provided, can be reported to the Organizing Committee of the EPDIC17 for further assistance. Letter of invitation should be requested via MyEPDIC17. Further assistance can be requested by sending the email to



The health care in Croatia, as well as the drugs supply is generally up to the western standards. There are no threats regarding the infectious diseases. The HIV/AIDS rate is among the lowest in EU.

The Organizing Committee of the EPDIC17 will make every effort to assist any participant in health care issues. However, we cannot pledge ourselves to any financial or legal consequence related to health accidents of any individual participant of the EPDIC17. To be on the safe side, please think of the health insurance before your trip. There are many insurance companies which provide suitable travel health policies valid in Croatia. If you opt for this, keep in mind that you might pay the medical services in Croatia, and get reimbursed upon your return.

About Šibenik

Šibenik stands out among Croatian cities by its unique position in the central part of Adriatic coast, in picturesque bay on the sunken estuary of Krka, the most beautiful karst river which is a national park for the most of its length. This beautiful city of unique urban expression is connected to the open sea by the picturesque, narrow and winding St. Anthony’s Channel. The ntrance to the channel is guarded by the St. Nicholas’ Fortress, dating from Renaissance times, which together with three other City fortresses – the St. Michael’s, St. John’s and Šubićevac, stands as a symbol of centuries-old continued resistance of Šibenik. The most important monument in Šibenik, well-known in European architecture and registered in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Lists definitely is St. James Cathedral from 15th and 16th centuries. Five generations worked on this building for more than one hundred years to create perfect proportions and an impression that it was cast from one piece of stone. The Šibenik Cathedral is the only such building in Europe made exclusively out of stone, without using binding plaster and wooden construction elements. Together with the Renaissance City Hall and surrounding churches, palaces and Rector’s Palace, nowadays home of the County Museum, it makes one of the most beautiful squares in Croatian heritage of urban architecture. In numbers - Šibenik is the city with 24 churches, six monasteries, four fortresses, the attractive „Four Water-Wells“ not far from the Cathedral, 2851 stone  stairs, the largest number of Baroque organs, and the Medieval Monastery Garden of St. Lawrence – the only one of a kind in Croatia. The Šibenik Archipelago consists of 242 islands, islets, reefs and cliffs with only ten settlements on the islands. The most known among them are Zlarin – island of coral divers, Krapanj – island of spongers and Prvić, residence of the noblemen from Šibenik.


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IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement

The Organizing Committee of the European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC17) shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science.

At this Conference, no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.

Statement on Gender Balance at EPDIC17
The EPDIC17 Organizing Committee, (which itself is composed according to the gender balance policy) fully supports and promotes gender equality in accordance to the IUCr principle:

We will enforce and ensure the gender equality among our lecturers and participants, and we will pay a special attention to the gender balance in evaluating bursary applications.


© by Croatian Association of Crystallographers. Design by Buha & Žbago 2018.             

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