Šibenik Croatia
Croatian Association of Crystallographers

The Croatian Association of Crystallographers (CAC) is a professional association and a non-profit organization, established on August 24, 2012. The CAC became a legal entity by the formal decision of the Office for general administration of the City of Zagreb, from October 9, 2012. Currently, the President of CAC is Dr. Aleksandar Višnjevac, vice-president is Dr. Ana Šantić, secretary of the Association is Prof. Marijana Jurić and Dr. Jasminka Popović is elected treasurer.
The CAC was founded with the objectives of promoting excellence, collaboration and careers development within the Croatian crystallographic community, as well as promoting Croatia as the regional stronghold of the crystallography, all this by organizing international workshops, conferences and other scientific meetings, supporting and promoting the international collaboration of scientists, visits abroad, life-long education of its members and co-funding research activities. The CAC vision is to remain highly efficient association of motivated scientists, dedicated to the affirmation of crystallography within the scientific community and in general.
The biggest project of CAC – 29th European Crystallographic Meeting - ECM29
The 29th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM29), organized jointly by the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and Croatian Association of Crystallographers, was held under the patronage of the Ministry of science, education and sports of the Republic of Croatia, in Rovinj, Croatia, August 23-28, 2015. The 14-membered ECM29 organization committee was chaired by Dr. Aleksandar Višnjevac, president of the CAC, and co-chaired by Prof. Marijana Đaković, secretary of the CAC. The ECM29 international programme committee was chaired by Prof. Nenad Ban (ETH Zürich) and co-chaired by Dr. Marija Luić, both members of the Croatian Association of Crystallographers.
The 1050 participants (251 students and young crystallographers) from 51 countries and from all six continents registered and participated at the ECM29. There were 81 exhibitors and 26 accompanying persons. In total, 785 scientific contributions were submitted for the ECM29, which were presented at the conference as 521 posters, 248 oral presentations within 50 microsymposia, 16 keynote lectures and two plenary lectures (Prof. Henry Chapman and Prof. Andrea Ferrari). The bursaries were provided for 55 young crystallographers from 26 countries. 20 poster prizes were awarded by 13 prizes sponsors, including the poster prize awarded by the Croatian Association of Crystallographers (scholarship for the ECS3 in Bol, Croatia). There were 10 satellite meetings (with altogether 238 participants) before and after the ECM29, organized jointly by CAC and our academic, non-profit or commercial partners. The Croatian Association of Crystallographers provided full logistics service for all the satellite meetings co-organizers, including organization of the accommodation, transfers, lecture rooms booking and technical equipment.To the best of our knowledge, the ECM29 beat the historic records of ECMs in terms of the number of registered participants, scientific contributions, satellite meetings, as well as poster prizes.
3rd European Crystallography School – ECS3
The 3rd European Crystallography School (ECS3), organized jointly by the European Crystallographic Association and Croatian Association of Crystallographers, was held in Bol, Croatia, September 25 - October 2, 2016. The ECS3 organization committee was chaired by Dr. Jasminka Popović and co-chaired by Dr. Aleksandar Višnjevac. The Chair of international programme committee was Prof. Marijana Đaković. The ECS3 had 116 registered participants, in particular, 77 students, 24 lecturers, six organizers, two sponsor representatives and seven accompanying persons. The ECS3 Bursary Committee had 59 applications and provided support for 38 young crystallographers from 12 countries after the careful examination of applicants CVs, letters of motivation and recommendation, as well as the abstracts. The 13 commercial firms, non-profit organizations and institutions sponsored, donated or supported the ECS3.
Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography – HTCC1
The CAC developed the concept and organized a high level workshop intended to the utterly ambitious PhD students and postdocs, as well as young crystallographers in the early stages of their autonomous carriers conducting their research within the broad spectrum of disciplines and sub disciplines related to the crystallography. The first HTCC workshop was held in Šibenik on May 10-15, 2014 and it was a central event to mark the UN proclaimed the International year of crystallography in Croatia. The workshop was a great success – we had 27 students and six lecturers from 15 countries. All students obtained bursaries which partly or entirely covered their onsite expenses thanks to the generous support from IUCr, ECA and a long list of commercial sponsors. There was no registration fee for this event. The six “hot topics” were tackled: Hot topics in macromolecular crystallography (by Prof. Elspeth Garman, University of Oxford, UK), The whole is more than the sum of its parts (by Prof. Hans-Beat Bürgi, University of Bern, Switzerland), Charge density (by Prof. Dietmar Stalke, University of Göttingen, Germany), Absolute structure and absolute configuration (by Prof. Howard Flack, University of Geneve, Switzerland), Twinning in crystallography (by Dr. Regine Herbst-Irmer, University of Göttingen, Germany) and Advanced solutions from the Cambridge Structural Database (by Dr. Peter Wood from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, UK).
Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography – HTCC2
The second edition, HTCC2, was held in Poreč, one of the jewels of the Croatian Adriatic on April 22-26, 2017. The generous support of the Bruker, Dectris and ECA enabled us to provide several bursaries for students. The workshop gathered 40 students and seven lecturers covering three hot topics: dynamic crystallography, crystallography under non-ambient conditions, and charge density studies.
Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography – HTCC3
The third edition of advanced crystallography workshop HTCC3 took place in Bol, on the island of Brač from September 23-27, 2018. The workshop gathered 40 students and nine lecturers covering three hot topics: total scattering, crystallography under non-ambient conditions, and dynamical crystallography.
Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography – HTCC4
The fourth edition of advanced crystallography workshop HTCC4 will take place in Mlini, near the town of Dubrovnik from October 01-06, 2019.