Interested in the EPDIC17 exhibition? Contact us at info@epdic17.org and we will form an ideal platform to present your business.
Exhibition@EPDIC17 will take place in Hall Šibenik I.

The Exhibition@EPDIC17 is all about setting the perfect atmosphere to connect scientists from academia and our partners from commercial sector. Having that in mind, we visualize EPDIC17 exhibition hall as a large open space with people mingling around, discussing, learning, having coffee and all that without any unnecessary dividers among them. Our idea, contrary to most exhibitions of this kind, is not to have our exhibitors boxed within plastic booths yet instead to offer them diaphanous exhibition open spaces (EOSs). EOSs will be separated enough to allow privacy of each exhibitor, yet the overall result will be all of us having fun and working in a single vast and utterly comfortable living room - the EPDIC17 living room.
Choose your place in in Hall Šibenik I by considering the ground plan!
EOSs 1-2 (24 m2), EOSs 3-5 and 8 (12 m2), EOSs 6, 7, 9-12 (6m2).
EOSs 1-4 and 12-13 are adjacent to the wall.
EOSs 5-10 have white panel boards on one side (back side).
area or EOSs are shown in blue, grey rectangulars represent tables, grey squares represent chairs, grey circles are high bar tables while larger grey circles represent banquet tables for coffee break.