ICDD workshop
The ICDD Workshop will take place prior to EPDIC17 on 31 May

This workshop will describe both new data collections and methods of analysis embodied in ICDD PDF®-4+ databases and MDI JADE®Pro software.
The workshop will include tutorial and hands-on activities.
The first half of the workshop will present the PDF databases, data entry information, datamining capabilities and Sieve+ for phase identification.
The second half will be qualitative and quantitative XRD analyses using MDI JADE software. In addition, materials characterization using some of the JADE Toolkit features will be demonstrated.
Participate at ICDD workshop
This is an open workshop, with no registration fee.
If you wish to attend, please register via MyEPDIC17. Specially negotiated prices for EPDCI17 in Hotel Ivan and Hotel Niko will be valid during the ICDD workshop as well.
For the hands-on access, access to PDF-4+ and JADEPro will be available through a remote desktop server via web access. Attendees should bring their laptop computer with wireless web access (Edge, Chrome, Firefox). If the bandwidth will allow, access will be available for 40 participants.
Attendees can also have access to PDF-4+ and JADEPro during the EPDIC17 meeting.
Key Topics
• Factors affecting the quality of powder diffraction data
• Materials characterization using powder diffraction
• Data mining
• Phase identification
• Qualitative and quantitative phase analysis
Tom Blanton, ICDD, USA
Vesna Bosnić ICDD, USA