Organizing Committee
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EPDIC Committee
Scientific Programme Committee

Awards Coordinator Ruđer Bošković Institute
A. Altomare, Bari, Italy
P. Attfield, Edinburgh, UK
N. Audebrand, Rennes, France
P. Bordet, Grenoble, France
M. Brunelli, Grenoble, France
RJ. Cernik, Daresbury, UK - Vice-Chairman
WIF (Bill) David, Oxon, UK
M. Dopita, Prague, Czech Republic
AN. Fitch, Grenoble, France
A. Guagliardi, Bari, Italy
KMO. Jensen, Copenhagen, Denmark
JE. Jorgensen, Aarhus, Denmark
A. Kern, Bruker AXS, Karlsruhe, Germany
A. Kremenović, Belgrade, Serbia
I. Margiolaki, Patras, Greece
A. Neels, Dubendorf, Switzerland
G. Nénert, PANalytical, Almelo, The Netherlands
J. Popović, Zagreb, Croatia
W. Paszkowicz, Warsaw, Poland
D. Rafaja, Freiberg, Germany
G. Rousse, Paris, France
P. Scardi, Trento, Italy - Chairman
O. Vallcorba, Barcelona, Spain
P. Whitfield, Ottawa, Canada