EPDIC Awards
Each year the great work of two scientists is acknowledged with EPDIC Awards.
EPDIC17 Young Scientist Award
Dr. Mark Senn
University of Warwick, UK
May 31, 18:00
Hall Šibenik II

EPDIC17 Distinguished Powder Diffractionist Award
Prof. Simon Billinge
Columbia University, USA
June 2, 17:30
Hall Šibenik II
Symmetry assisted insights into functional materials
The nanostructure inverse problem in the time of artificial intelligence
The EPDIC Award for Young Scientists
The award is assigned at each EPDIC Conference and honors the outstanding scientific achievement by young scientists in the field of powder diffraction.
The award winner, elected by the EPDIC Committee, is invited to present a plenary lecture at the next European Powder Diffraction Conference. The award has a value of 1000,00 Euro and is possible by generous sponsorship of the Malvern Panalytical.
Recipients of the past EPDIC Awards for Young Scientists:
Maurizio Bellotto, EPDIC3 (1994)
Laszlo Petras, EPDIC4 (1995)
Malcom I. McMahon, EPDIC5 (1997)
Robert E. Dinnebier, EPDIC6 (1998)
David Rafaja, EPDIC7 (2000)
Matteo Leoni, EPDIC8 (2002)
Vincent Favre-Nicolin, EPDIC9 (2004)
Irene Margiolaki, EPDIC10 (2006)
Andrew L. Goodwin, EPDIC11 (2008)
Pavol Juhas, EPDIC12 (2010)
Kenneth R. Beyerlein, EPDIC13 (2012)
Jan M. Hinterstein EPDIC14 (2014)
K. M. Ø. Jensen EPDIC15 (2016)
Stef Smeets EPDIC16 (2018)
Distinguished Powder Diffractionists Award
The EPDIC Award for Distinguished Powder Diffractionists has been assigned for the first time during the EPDIC11 Conference for outstanding results and/or continued, important contributions to the field of powder diffraction. The winner is elected by the EPDIC Committee. The award winner is invited to present a plenary lecture at the next European Powder Diffraction Conference. The award is possible by generous sponsorship of the Bruker AXS.
Recipients of the past EPDIC awards for distinguished powder diffractionists:
Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal EPDIC11 (2008)
Hugo Rietveld EPDIC12 (2010)
Christian Baerlocher EPDIC13 (2012)
Daniel Louer EPDIC14 (2014)
C. Giacovazzo EPDIC15 (2016)
W.I.F. (Bill) David EPDIC16 (2018)