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Interested in the ISSFIT-15 exhibition? Fill the registration form below or contact us at and we will form an ideal platform to present your business.

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ISI1: Booth at ISSFIT-15                                                                                            1.200 €

Booths at ISSFIT-15 will enable a perfect interaction with the attendees. It includes table with one or two chairs, an electrical socket, a high round cocktail table, or any other (reasonable) piece of furniture you may request. The booths will be convenient places together with the poster boards in the coffee break area. You can decorate it with your rollups, posters or any other material you consider fit.


ISI2: Short presentation (10 min)                                                                700 €

Maybe you would like to address the audience with a short presentation of your business. We will take care to place this presentation conveniently within the programme so that it would be most enjoyable and efficient.

ISI3: Logo with a link at the                                                   300 €

We will put your logo with the link to your company website on our cover page and to the ISSFIT-15 “wall of honor”.


ISI4: Banner at the                                                                    300 €

On all pages, we will have up to five randomly interchangeable banners (to replace, gradually, current Dubrovnik panoramas). Please provide a .png or .jpg file, w:980 px h:280 px, minimum 300 dpi.


ISI5: Full page advertisement in the ISSFIT-15 programme book    300 €

Please provide A5 format (w:148 mm, h:210 mm), tiff file, minimum 600 dpi.

ISI6: Back cover advertisement in the ISSFIT-15 programme book 500 €

Please provide A5 format (w:148 mm, h:210 mm), tiff file, minimum 600 dpi.


ISI7: Delegate bags                                                                                             200 € + your production & shipment

We will let you design, produce and ship the delegate bags with your logo on them. We shall fill them up with the delegate bag inserts, blocks, pens and programme booklet and duly distribute to all registered participants.


ISI8: Delegate bag inserts                                                                            300 € + your production & shipment

You can produce and ship to us leaflets, USB sticks or any other kind of small promotional material and we will duly distribute them into the delegate bags.


ISI9: Delegate lanyards                                                                                 200 € + your production & shipment

If you want your logo to appear on the lanyards of the delegate badges, please send the lanyards to us and we will make it happen. Don’t be afraid to show your colours!


ISI10: Logo on delegate badge                                                                     500 € 

We shall print your logo on each delegate badge. Be truly visible!

Croatian VAT is not included in the above ISI prices.

Companies from EU will be invoiced stating that transfer tax liabilities/reverse charge apply, in accordance with Art. 17th c. 1 of the Law on VAT. 

Non-EU companies will be invoiced for price of ISI+ Croatian VAT (25%)


Note that discounts are available for the booked ISI combination which, combined, cost over 2.000,00, 3.000 or 4.000 €. If your sponsorship package exceeds 4.000 €, a 20% discount is automatically added. If it exceeds 3.000 € in total, 15% discount is automatically calculated and if it exceeds 2.000 €, a 10% discount is calculated.

Sponsorship packages in a total value of 2.000 to 3.000 € include one complimentary registration, whereas those in a total value of more than 3.000 € include two complimentary registrations for company employees.

All sponsorships with the total amount of booked ISIs of 4.000 € or more will get you the label “ISSFIT-15 diamond sponsor”, which shall be clearly stated at the website and social networks along your company logo.

If you are interested in exhibition at ISSFIT-15 please fill the form below or send the e-mail to and we will form an ideal sponsorship & exhibition package that suit your company needs.

Register for exhibition at ISSFIT15
Choose your ISI:

Thanks for registering for ISSFIT15 exhibition!



© by Croatian Association of Crystallographers. Design by Buha & Žbago 2022.             

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